Thursday, April 21, 2016

Saving Plastic Bags, Destroying Buildings. Happy Earth Day from the City of Minneapolis!

Happy Earth Day, Citizens of Minneapolis. Your City government wants you to help make our city a Zero Waste city. On the City website, a page is devoted to ways you can be a "Zero Hero" and reduce environmental waste
Here are two of the tips offered on the page, with editorial comments highlighted in green: 

Buy It Durable and Maintain It To Last!

Long lasting, durable goods cost more at first but save money in the long run. Zero Heroes find that durable products break down less often too, meaning fewer repair bills. Like old houses built with pride from quality materials.

Creatively Reuse

Zero Hero creativity can play a big role in preventing waste. There are many things around the house that can have new uses.  Like the house itself. 

And here's a third tip I'd like to add:
Don't poison the neighborhood with airborne hazardous materials.

The City is to be commended for its excellent recycling program. But before we congratulate ourselves on saving the Earth by recycling pop cans and composting potato peels, we need to look at a very negative environmental impact that's totally ignored: the demolition of old houses. While the City concerns itself with recycling plastic grocery bags, it approves and encourages the demolition of well-built existing houses. These demolitions--seven in the Wedge alone during the last couple of years--send toxic particulates into the air and many hundreds of tons of building materials into the landfill.  
The energy saved by recycling plastic bags and aluminum cans represents a infinitesimal fraction of the energy saved by recycling buildings. Minneapolis is trashing hundreds of tons of building materials, destroying tons of embodied energy. And to make matters worse, the old buildings are replaced by stick-frame buildings, poorly designed, and thrown up as quickly as possible. Unlike the old houses, the new buildings aren't built to last, only built to last as long as developers and investors can make a buck out of them.  Putting up these new buildings requires the use of new, inferior materials and the energy required for construction--energy that would not have to be used if the old buildings had been recycled.
But you don't have to take my word for it.  A report produced by the Preservation Green Lab of the National Trust for Historic Preservation provides the most comprehensive analysis to date of the potential environmental benefit of building reuse. This groundbreaking study concludes that when comparing buildings of equivalent size and function, building reuse almost always offers environmental savings over demolition and new construction.

 Some important findings in this study by the National Trust:

The Greenest Building: Quantifying the Environmental Value of Building Reuse

Reuse Matters. Building reuse typically offers greater environmental savings than demolition and new construction. It can take between 10 to 80 years for a new energy efficient building to overcome, through efficient operations, the climate change impacts created by its construction. The study finds that the majority of building types in different climates will take between 20-30 years to compensate for the initial carbon impacts from construction.
Scale Matters. Collectively, building reuse and retrofits substantially reduce climate change impacts. Retrofitting, rather than demolishing and replacing, just 1% of the city of Portland’s office buildings and single family homes over the next ten years would help to meet 15% of their county’s total CO2 reduction targets over the next decade.  
Design Matters. The environmental benefits of reuse are maximized by minimizing the input of new construction materials. Renovation projects that require many new materials can reduce or even negate the benefits of reuse.
 The Bottom Line: Reusing existing buildings is good for the economy, the community and the environment. At a time when our country’s foreclosure and unemployment rates remain high, communities would be wise to reinvest in their existing building stock. Historic rehabilitation has a thirty-two year track record of creating 2 million jobs and generating $90 billion in private investment. Studies show residential rehabilitation creates 50% more jobs than new construction.

Now to turn to the "Don't Poison the Neighborhood" part. . .

Friday, April 15, 2016

Act Now. Appeal Hearing 2008 Bryant April 21st

In a unanimous vote, the Z&P Committee voted to deny the appeal. The Wedge neighbors who filed the appeal thank all who supported us. But this is only the initial skirmish in the war against the demolitions and ugly, unaffordable infill monstrosities by Drew Levin and Danny Perkins (a.k.a. LLCs KLP Realty, D&D Reality Holdings, DDMZ Real Estate, Lotterman-Madan, 2817 Girard Avenue, Farkas Wagner). Levin and Perkins and the City of Minneapolis have been put on notice. As CM Lisa Goodman said at the hearing, the opposition to these projects will continue and get stronger. And you can take that to the bank. Literally.

In the past 14 months, developers have bulldozed 7 buildings in the Wedge for high-rent apartment buildings. The City of Minneapolis is facilitating the destruction of affordable housing, replacing it with upscale rentals. Wedge development proposals breeze through City Hall without regard to zoning and other regulations.

An agency of the City has rubberstamped DDMZ's (a.k.a. Drew Levin and Danny Perkins) development project, 2008 Bryant Avenue Apartments, without proper review or consideration. At a rigged public hearing on March 8th, the City Planning Commission approved the Land Use Application, the Site Plan Review, and the process by which the CPC reached its decision.

      Bulldozed. Again.  Act Now!
    Appeal Hearing for a Development that's WRONG for the Wedge. 
Minneapolis Neighbors United has filed an appeal to be heard at the Zoning and Planning Committee Meeting.
   Thursday, April 21st. Room 317. City Hall. 9:30 a.m.

Grounds for the appeal:
Plans for garbage and recycling storage and removal and snow removal are inadequate.
No landscape buffer at the south lot line and the inclusion of a rooftop deck potentially violate the neighbors' right to quiet enjoyment.
Incorrect information in the Site Plan Review re: the Uptown Small Area Plan, Historic Preservation, and the Minneapolis City and Metropolitan Council Comprehensive Plans.
Incomplete Site Plan Review. Methods of Alternative Compliance not provided and relevant public comment not included.

STOP Ugly, Unaffordable, Unsustainable Development

Contact the members of the members of the Z&P Committee and tell the City what you think of it rubberstamping the 2008 Bryant development proposal.
Please reference Permit #Bzz-7594 2008 Bryant Avenue Apts.

Email your comments by April 20th to :  --or--
Call the Z&P Members at 612.673-22XX: Lisa Bender (2210), Andrew Johnson (2212), Kevin Reich (2201), Barbara Johnson (2204), Abdi Warsame (2206), Lisa Goodman (2207)

                 Our Homes.  Our City.  Our Voices.
The historic Orth House, bulldozed February 2015. Affordable housing for 22 people, many of them Vietnam veterans.
What replaced it--Motiv Apartments, done in minimalist correctional facility style, with high $$$ rents. Only four out of 42 units rented to date. Ugly, unaffordable, unsustainable development.